Our Tutors

Claudia Lopez

Our Morning Tutor

We have the talented Claudia Lopez as our tutor on the Thursday Morning Sessions. Claudia provides informal tutorial sessions covering the basic techniques involved in using various mediums.

The tutorial sessions are optional and typically last approximately 30 minutes after which members may choose to follow her teaching and work on the"mini project" Claudia has set for the rest of the session or at home. Alternatively members can choose to pursue their own particular projects. So we enjoy a very flexible mix of guided tutoring  or individual advice and encouragement as Claudia spends the rest of the morning offering guidance on the various artworks and mediums our members are working with.

Some of Claudia's work on her website www.claudialopezart.com/

The pictures below show examples of the work produced during some of the tutorial sessions.

Richard Orr

Our Afternoon Tutor

For our Thursday afternoon sessions we are privileged to have the expert guidance and support of Richard Orr as our tutor. Richard is happy to let each of our members pursue subject matter of their choosing and in a medium of their choice while offering expert guidance. Richard is an internationally recognised and respected artist, please see below for some of his accomplishments.

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